
Statistics for Library and Information Services is well-organized and written in enough detail to give students what they need to get started without overwhelming them with too much information. LIS professors and students in statistics courses will benefit from the structure of the text and the concise explanations of key concepts. Researchers and professionals in the field will benefit from having this title on hand as a reference for the most commonly used statistical formulas and their implementation in R. Overall, this is a good introduction to statistics for librarians and LIS students that will set the stage for greater integration of statistics into LIS programs.
-By Bill McMillin, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH 45221,
The Journal of Academic Librarianship
Volume 42, Issue 4, July 2016, Page 480


“Statistics for Library and Information Services is an important statistical and data visualization reference book that will help librarians, information science professionals, and academics begin the process of refining and updating their statistical analysis output with powerful R visualizations. Whether they need a statistics review or the confidence to start creating visualizations with R command line, Alon Friedmans book will help them get started.”
– By Lisa DeLuca, University Libraries, Seton Hall University.
The Library Quarterly: Information, Community, Policy Vol 86(4) Oct 2016

“Dr. Friedman’s book arrives at the right time as library and information professionals begin to grapple with the complexities of big data. This well-written and clearly organized primer will be a valuable addition to the LIS curriculum – it is clearly the moment for us to have a textbook that introduces statistics and an open source statistical computing language for our students and for information professionals from an ‘insider’ who knows our field well.”
— Professor Howard Rosenbaum, Professor of Information Science and Associate Dean for Graduate Studies, Department of Information and Library Science, Indiana University

A Primer for Using Open Source R Software for Accessibility and Visualization