Let’s Begin

The term statistics has two traditional meanings that are often used in different contexts. Most often, statistics refers to numerical facts. Under this definition, statistics provides a numerical value for any object/subject/text that we examine. The second definition of statistics refers to a group of methodologies that provide directions on how to collect, analyze, represent, and interpret data and make better decisions. In this book, we will discuss statistics on the basis of the second definition, in that we will cover the role of statistics that helps us examine the data we collect, and provide the interpretations needed to make better decisions.

So, why it is so important to learn about statistics? Statistics has become a global tool and language for empirical studies in every field and profession across cultures and languages, expanding at the same rate as the use of computer systems. In library science, statistics will play an important part on how we will measure user impact and demand from library services.

Next, Chapter 1.

A Primer for Using Open Source R Software for Accessibility and Visualization